BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tefillah - beginning of siddur - RDK

Learning in nigleh
First 3 brachot of Sh.E.
Yihud of kriyat shema
8 truths after ga'al israel
Context for beginning of Sh'Es and the beg. of everyday
Circadian rhythym significance
Deeper than sleeping
Waking up is associated with tkiat hametim
Meditation at the opening of the day
Consciousness and breathing
Order of brachot
Opening your eyes - elohai neshama
(no modeh ani in gemara)
Awakening in Tzfat
Modeh Ani was replaced by elohai neshama
M'Ani came out of E'Nesh'
We awaken to marvellous reality
Gd guarded our soul during sleep
Guarded our essential selfhood
External trappings was gone
Essence of who we are was preserved
Gd's devotion to us
Only due to sleep can we discover that
Only waking can we appreciate that
Everytime we breath as well
Letting go, and have faith
'Breath your soul into me'
Recall the intimate rhythym
Breathing is a creation of the 2nd story of Bereshis
There is no breathing in the beginning
Everything is created as ready to breathe
2nd story we find creation from dirt
Neshama is breathed into you
First accent and realisation of soul
2nd story - no breathing creatures until man (inc. vegetation)
Sneezing, say 'asuta' (heal) = gesundheit
Your soul should not leave you when you sneeze.
Primal awakening and awareness
Pure soul breathed into me
Reflected on a cosmic scale with tkchiat hametim
Guard our soul for reconnection with our bodies
Souls dearness to Gd
Body is the vessel through which the soul shines
Body will not alter the soul
Mishna - anyone who denies tkchiat hametim, is denied tk'met'
Responsiveness of Gd to the world he makes
Gd is paying attention to the details of the way we lead our lives
Respnsive to our nature and our choices
Parallel in tk'ham'
What matters to us, matters to him
A time when the world will be desolate
Souls will just be hovering above it
Then there will be tk'ham'
Then the souls will be breathed back into the world
2nd storey - b'hi'baram - created with a breath ('hey')
As opposed to bereshit bara
Now there is a 'hey' - the breathing world
'Shenatata bi' is bina
Rhythym is Gd's guardianship
Shenatata bi - the bi is the nefesh habehema speaking

"Elokai neshama shenatata bi tehora..."
The Gdly soul that you gave me ('bi' - behema nefesh - its 'me'at - meat!) is pure.

Nachoshet is actually bronze. Not copper. Copper with a bit of tin.
Ani is an outgrowth of modeh
If ani comes before modeh, then i come before giving thanks.
Bekirbi - expression of soul descent into me. Thus Modeh Ani.
If you don't bend at Modim then your soul will become a snake when you're buried.
It's fine to stand up tall, as long as you have bowed for modim and lifted up like a snake.
Alignment of awakening
This is parallel to first 2 brachot, ultimately realised in magen avraham
Language of first bracha is suggestive
Comes from ch.14 in bereshit
... Avraham comes back from war and malkitzedek approaches him and blesses him. (14:9)
Hashem now uses Malkitzedek's usage of magen avraham.
Magen avraham is the protection
Koneh shamaim v'aretz
The receiver of heaven & earth
Lost in atzilut - let go to me - i will guard you.
Ga'al israel - a meditation that Gd is holding us in his thought
Parallel between redemption and reality of the world

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