BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tefilla - Ga'al Israel RDK

Gemara Megila yud-zayin-bet
Horns of the wicked cut down
Horns of the tzadik
Cutting away externality
Beginning of the meaning
Gerim and tzadikim
Path discovered
Whatever level
A way in
Become part
Crucial piece
Non exclusive
Upbringing and education
Anyone can join
Gerei tzedek
Keren is a horn and an essence - yesod
Perot is the surface
Foundations of what life is for
joining at the foundation point for geirim
Contact point is the essence
Love of God
One God
Seeking to realise
Klal Gadol
Ikar Shabbos
Joining connectivity
People of love
Other things are secondary
Har Sinai
Kli for relationship
Reflected here
Essential quality
When exposed
Pathway to conversion
Seder l'parshiot
Zikna (aged) is inclusive
Wisdom irrespective of age
Vision of keter
Expanse of unity
Return to life
Uncover the primal unity underlying all
Non hierarchical
Open to all to join
Open door
Tzedakah and mishpat
Buddha wanted to break up the caste system
Where do you arrive
Unfolding of brachot
Structure of tefilla
Tzadik becomes embodied
Earthly embodiment
A city
Malkitzedek - melech Shalem (Shem)
Tzadik dwells in Jerusalem
Malchut & Tzadik
Yesod only properly functions when it is embedded in the malchut
Tzadik needs to be in contact - relationship
Is not in divisiveness
Tzedek appropriate to a king whose dedication is tzedek.
Jerusalem's essence is where everything is connected
It's pinnacle is the place of Keruvim
Kiruv is relationship
Reflects also connection of Moshe and Aharon
God speaks between them.
Somewhere in between
Consciousness is relationship
2 passionate creatures - keruvim
It is connective power
Unity of love
Connection of love
Only with connectivity can there be real malchut
Tzadik is not a lone figure
Tzadik fully expressed when social
Yesod of malchut
They come together
Jerusalem is the only city of contact between yehuda and binyamin
Both bechina of yesod
Foundation of har habayit is the yesod - a border.
Binyamin and yosef is yesod
Yehuda is malchut
Tzadik participates in coronation by being part of briya.
Primal temptation for a tzadik to be seperate
Tzadik yesod olam (tzadik is a sexual organ in kabbalah)
Bracha of tzadikim is yesod
Bracha of jerusalem is Hod.
Jerusalem is malchut, but the feature of connectivity is ingathering.
Emphasizing the power of yesod to enter jerusalem
Enables penetration
Psychological ability in order to be meeting
Acceptance of submission in order to arrive is Hod
Gratitude is hodaya
Modeh ani
Awakening my individuality
(Not ani modeh)
single from the expanse
Jerusalem is the place
Tzadik does not get lost there
Keren of the tzadik is jerusalem
Ask for the peace of jerusalem
Those who love will be in peace
Sets out for the sake of his brothers
Josef sent to find their piece
Lema'an achai veray'ai
Manifesting peace by finding brothers
Hod is the fire, Yosef is the flame
An excited state
Yesod is the ahava of hod
It's not about me
Experienced from above
God raining down his goodness on me
Now grateful
necessary for hod to function
Need to be integrated together
Yesod is Shalom
Yosef seeks shalom
Tzadik eats the fruit of his deeds
Tikkun of yareach and shemesh to the keter
Now you're ready for the next level of tzadik
Now you're the level of connector
Jerusalem where everywhere will come to realise unity, shalom and creation.
Tzadik will see keter and feed the hod
Then moshiach arrives
After shalom
After they come back to jeruasalem
They seek God
Don't seek yourself
Setting up political entity
Asking for David hamelech
Shaul didn't do that
Don't be a body politik
Jerusalem has a level of non-hierarchy
Open system
Interpentration of sefirot and midot
Matzmiach keren yeshua
Last time was birkat hashanim
netzach is growth and progeny
sustainable and long-living
Primal contact
Core of abundance
The eternal kernel
Not a sense of lack
Bracha about growing and growth
Moshiach is an outgrowth of
Particular emphasis of shemonei esrei
Yearning for shlemut
Perception of life as netzach
Moshiach comes into reality and arrives for a lack of self worth
Save the day
Someone to prostrate
Send me the ultimate
Insufficient personality
They want them now
A leader to attach yourself
Sense of value
I am his subject
Netzach is also in shelo asani aved
Saved from slavery
i am what i am
Ultimate experience of abundance
leave the domineering behind
Subject and subjugation gone
Attempt to use
Needing to use is gone
Smallness removes value and worth
Tzadikim are small
shmuel hakatan
David hakatan
Smallness from being independent and possession and external
Small as a kernel
The point
Being indivisible
Something where everything grows from
The sounds is 'i' (as in 'it')
A nekuda
Seed from which other things grow
Result of the keter experience
Mevarech hashanim is asking for possessions
Abundance means nothing without touching netzach
Now we are talking about the place for growth
Can't be grabbed before the time
Moshiach is on right side of chochma
Annointed with oil from right side
Not oriented with possessiveness and possession
Knowing i have nothing
'i' is the ego 'i'
Can be a source for devolvement
Need netzach
Matzmiach keren yeshua
The come back and seek God
And find him
Arrive at David
Kingdom of David
After Shlomo who is fullness and shleimut
Chochmat Shlomo
Side of openness and involvement
starts with bat paro
ends with rehoboam
Classic example of incapacity
Let go some of the taxes
If you serve them now, they will serve you forever
Increase of taxes to beat people

Now that David is there we can begin to pray
Shomea tefilla
Turned everything on its head
greater and greater completeness
Now you're here
True tefilla
Crying out from a lack
All the lacks have been answered
God now hears
Answer not out of need
Answer from hearing
I'm standing right next to you
I'll hear you now
I'm close to you
Process of alignment of tefilla
I'm right in front of you
Shomea tefilla asking no more
There is no asking here
Nothing further to need
Here we are
Don't turn us away empty
Don't ask for anything personal
Simcha and joy and wholeness and fullness
Hakadosh Baruch Hu prays
Prayer is not outward directed
An expresion of deep desire
A profound impulse
Arouse his will
Becomes manifest
Very close
Unity between you and God
God speaking through your voice
You are here
On my mountain
Experiencing unity
The place of my prayer
Leads to malchut
A difference to regular malchut
Nothing of her own
No personal supplications
Darga of contact
Embodied light
Life lived in fulness
Asking for a channeling
Coming out of unification
A unification
Don't come from the ego needy
Beit tefilati prayers
Malchut ateret ba'ala
The lowest level recipient is the beginning of the next world
Higher than keter

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