BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Monday, February 20, 2012

RDK - Chasidut - Yaakov

Gd being here
Not contemplative awareness
Tmimut - simplicity, smooth
He's here
Not thinking about
No mediation
The experience is Gd
No other quality but divine
Felt experience
Awareness of Divine
Profound endearment
Possessions are as dear as bodies
Value of materiality
Value of Gd's manifestation
Levavecha - life force touching divine
The passion
Using all your possessions in the love of Gd
This is Yaakov
Leads to relationship of seeing items in this world not just as 'instruments'
Get rid of the avodah zara
Yaakov never dies
Gd calls him Gd
You are alone
Selfhood is a manifestation of the all, the divine
Sees everything as Gd
Level of heart - re'uta delibo
Desire reflecting truth of what i am
Experience the passion & will as its own reality
Declaration of my identity
This is the access point
Don't seek outside yourself
Accept the wholeness
Separate from activities of achieving & doing
Don't live my life by accomplishments
Modality for sharing, expressing
Being alone is Tam - levado
Achieved a deep intimacy
Not an egotistical levado
The world is mine and the world is created for me - Esav
Everything is a gift for me - Yaakov
Waking up of Yaakov
From his sleep
Becomes a model
Gd continues to guard your identity during sleep
The remez for tchiat hametim (t'hm)
Gd declares that you are so dear to him
Gd will bring you back to embodiment
Realise that the you, you are living now is dear to Gd
Gd values your embodiment
You are the revelation in this reality
Pachim Tamim
We're Gds jars that Gd goes back for
Committed to the full and most perfect realisation
Yaakov is conscious of this
Yaakov does not desire self-aggrandisement
Yaakov sees the world ideally as a reflection of the divine
Re'uta deliba - root of the will
Reflects the nature of reality & identity
Not a reflection of lacking
e.g. Yaakov gives it all away
Bakol, mikol, kol
Bakol - Avraham (put into you all)
Mikol - Yitschak (leaving all)
Kol - Yaakov (i have all)
Gd is the divine vision
Yaakov understands he is a part of the Gdly vision
Directness of connectivity - Da'at
A deep will, a deep desire
A deep divine desire
Gd does not stand outside of desire
Knows his divine desire
Re'uta deliba - will of the heart
Realisation of the beit tefilati
Shema Koleinu from Amidah
Ratzon HaLev - emphasis of that which is not mine yet... (not the best, not Yaakovs desire)
Love is the desire to be drawn towards Gd. It's actually the opposite
Pachad is incapable to stand in the presence of Gd
Reuta Delibo is a wilfulness to connect and be fully bound to in truth
Not either virtue of fear alone or love alone
Bitul is not essential!
Dependent upon a desire to connect
Yira is not essential!
Reuta deliba does reflect the essential connection...
Love & desire is a reflection of the truth of who i am. That is why is love & desire.
A deep part of me
That is the deepest knowing of Gd
Manifested in Israel.
Don't seek parts.
You are a part of all.
Netzzach - avraham, sustainability
Hod - Ytzk, glow of source you long for
Yesod - Yaakov, manifested level
Strength of attachment
Reuta delibo becomes reflected outwardly - that woman, pupil, teacher, object.
If you become deeply connected to that, that becomes memory relationships
Alzheimers gets triggered by old memory
Can't relate to the here & now
Began when he saw his son in tallis&tefillin at a bris - then began to lose it
An illness of losing hold of the essential identity
Yesod retracts inside
Yesod goes up to keter (primal reality)

In Kabbalah Yaakov is the middle
Goes all the way up to keter and ein sof
Not chochma and bina (on the side) - not part of boundessness of divine.
Thats the etz she'betoch hagan
Gan is the garden, the extension
No such place as toch hagan
Yaakov midot is emet
Yaakov is now going to delimit his consciousness as opposed to the other fathers.
Just like Moshe, who is the inside
Moshe is the inner reality of Yaakov
A feeling of contact between 2 entities
Yaakov uses the instruments of the sensations of contact
Yaakov only experiences the divine through the agencies of manifestation, e.g. his body
This is not the revelation,gilui of his essence
Yaakov is the body,gufa, external
Reality of external awareness
Yaakov is Avinu
Moshe is Rabeinu

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