BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Chasidut - RDK

Path to Yaakov Avinu...
Yitschak wants to leave the kelim
He was mitbonnen in the shoresh of kelim
He asked a question
Yitschak was never answered
Y'k is always oriented moving upwards
Like a flame
Yearning for the source
Turning the eyes upwards
Mi Bara Eleh
You don't see stars or moon
A product of the Eleh
Existence is the product of reality
Eleh Toldot
Bereshit is Chochma
Toldot is Bina
Yechidcha is uniqueness
The unique individual
Individuation is experience of divestment
Mi Bara Eleh
Yearning for the Source
Will not bond with the source
Primal commitment to individuation
For question, not for answer
Contemplation built on externals
Moshe is Pnimiut
Looking from perspective of kelim
Realisation of activity
He is participant in the source of binah
Passionate & fiery activity
Binah is the supernal mother
One with the source
Primary identity is being related through the source
The relationship between his striving for the source
Knowing the source externally
Active knowing
Gd's expansiveness - Avraham
Narrow strait, capillary movement towards source - Yitschak
Midot Yaakov...
Binds left and right to middle
Unification, ever present
Always true, constant
Element of foundation of building
A standard by which you measure
Ama is the constant
Quality not bound by circumstance
Ama is the truth, it has useability as a function
The measure of all things
This is the constant
Amat habinah
Ama is primal, foundational
Motherhood, Imahut (Ama)
In Yaakov's life, mother was the defining character
Reflection of motherhood
Opposite of fatherhood
Irony of Av relating to categorisation - yesh ein lemikra or lemasores
Which one is more primary
Emet and Ima are not abstracted
Not disconnected from life
They are contextualised
The truth we are privy to
Ketzavot, hitlabshut
Em is a principle which provides understanding and meaning
Mashmaut is from Binah, hearing things
'I get it'
Father is so abstracted and distant
Becomes a charicature
No relation between primal priciples and reality
Man requires exactitude
Aba and chochma is on the right side
Av has Hitlabshut leading to an imperfect realisation
Av unable to understand child's processes
Em understands principles and emunah
The hitlabshut and reality
The centre
Discovered through realisation
Midah is emet, a mother term
Tmimut is another primary midah
Simplicty, being with things just as they are
Let go of the absolute mind
Becomes a feeling
Guided by sensory elements
Don't think or analyse the person
Innocence of non-taking
Non-attachment (not cold)
Not detached
Not grasping or desirous
Enables the exposure of emet in real time and real life
Yaakov does not die, 'lo met'
Yitschak appreciates and is involved with kelim
Yaakov has an aspect of awareness
Tiferet is Da'at - awareness
The most constant truth
Extant everywhere in the same way
All over your body, each part is aware equally
Presence of awareness
Reality of being
Yaakov is the great doorway into understanding Gd's hashgacha
The awareness of all things
Myriad functions going on in your body miraculously
All an awareness throughout your body
Now imagine that for Gd
Gd is ever present in reality of the universe
Gd is the myriad of functionality of the universe
Gd is conscious in all things
Gd is ever present in all things
He is aware of nothing other than him
Gd is the knower, known & knowing
Gd's contact, reality is the awareness of creation
Gd defines all shapes and measures
Tam - it is what it is
It is all of this - the world
Awareness of the kelim
Yaakov knows the truth
Primal truth
Yaakov is amud (pillar) of chochmot
Emet is the primal existence of the matsui rishon
Awareness out of which all things emerge by our own awareness
It is solid because Gd is aware and thinking of it
Thoughts manage us
Divine awareness
Experience of beauty, is the consciousness to understand and be in harmony with Gd's awareness and consciousness of the universe
Gd sees through the eyes of the ones that come to Har Hashem (gemara chagiga)
Awareness itself
Crucial of all elements
The presence
The quiet
No thinking and interpretaion
Wilfulness is present
If awareness is gone, it will cease to be
Yivgah bemakom
Deep compassion and acceptance
Phenomenon of compassion of circumstance of my life
Yaakov appreciates the consciousness of Gd
Everyone is part of this matrix
Baal HaTanya - Igeret Yud Aleph
Gd has no stray thoughts
He doesn't have anything to work out
Yaakov discovers Gd in the darkness
No matter what the circumstance
Reality is divine awareness
Attachment to the keter
Awareness should become sentient
Awareness of our body, feet, toes, heart
Sense of consonance
Desirousness for contact, to marry into the relationship
This is my home
This is me
Because we're all part of one
Expressed in reality by Yaakov with his wives
Yesod - resting on the foundation
Gilui of the centre meridian which binds all things together
Yaakov is the line from top to bottom - Yud to Akev
Holds together both bechina of Avraham and Yitschak
Sees Gd's essence through kelim
Avraham saw Gd filling kelim
Yitschak saw the source of filling kelim
Yaakov sees the purpose of filling the kelim
Gd's thoughts
Da'at tiferet and Yesod
Hakara and Hagasha
Awareness and Experience (feeling & consciousness)
Feeling is equal throughout the body
Da'at is the essence of the life force, and is manifested
Becomes known. It is a Peleh. Mindfulness. Awareness.
Presence in matter.
Comes together as an equivolation.
Awareness comes from the keter.
Peleh comes from essence - where all things are the same
Letting go is the delineation of wonder - paradox.
Round inclusivess is the circle of keter.
Yaakov is aware of Gd being present in all the universe of time and space
Kocho and peleh
Centre line is the alignment of the flow from the essence
The man who sees the king in his chamber
The man who sees the king in his chamber from a distance
It's the same king
He contacted his essence
Loses respect because of hitpadshut
Equal everywhere because is makir to see the king in his heichal
Adon olam asher malach, beterem kol yetzir nivra, le'et nasa becheftzo kol, azai melech shemo nikra
Midah of emet
From emet, Gd is eternal and unchanging presence, in heaven and earth
The truth is that it is all his presence
Be with it as it is
Like Yaakov
He contacts and sees without cleverness
Just as is
Reflecting contacts with ein sof
Sits in both tents - Rachel and Leah

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