BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Monday, February 6, 2012

chasidut RDK

Son of avraham
See avraham
Spiritual phenomenon
Avraham stays within Yitzchak
Physical appearance depicts spiritual inheritance
Meditation of avraham - divine life, giving existence, presence
Belief in hashem echad
Bechina echad
Echad krativ
Honour for vessels
Hold divine light
Feeds people with worldly life
Aligns with hkbh
Next stage, shift
To life itself
Essential quality
Life force is beyond vessels can contain
Upward movement to light
Left side is longing for existence
Right side is water flowing down
Left is fire going up
The teaching of yitzchak
Yk spiritual reality
Akeidah is spiritual legacy
Represents who yk is
Forgiveness of Bnei Israel
Our vessels cannot fully manifest GD
Forgive us for our faults
Always going to be chasser
A deviation from your will of life
Full realisation of your light
Yarei shamaim
From korbanot in siddur
humbling of our accomplishments
turned towards gd
At end of yk's life
Yzk should be celebratory of the kelim
Realisation of the kelim
for Yzk the kelim are barely there
Level of orientation
Mechila for end of time
Within creation
Different concept
How dare you harm his revelation
Yirat shamaim
Losing of value in the presence of Gd
How dare i violate his will
Intense consiousness
Careful zehirut
After ahava comes yira (rambam)
Who am i to be standing here
Do my best to not violate grandeur of Gd
Moving to disolution of self
Amazing we did anything in 6000years
Avraham focussed on life force within
Yzk = laugh
A derisive side
Or sarah's laugh
Or expansive side
This is avraham, wonderous
Produces Yaakov and Esav
Wonderous is true Pele
Yzk - Keitz chai - end of life
Yzk is the end of the day - mincha
Yaakov is night
Mincha, no time to do the things i dreamt of.
Mincha is an act of acquiescence
Now turn yourself towards hkbh
Only one reality
Each Av has a different perspective of life
Come off the altar
Be in life
Not enough life in this world to do it all
Book - 'care of the soul'
Various elements of who we are
It's not for us - there's only you
Yzk laughs and lets it go
Power of letting go
Yzk is most matured
Ripened over briya
Gives briya its continuity
Leads to identity
Respecting the infinity
Left side is kelim, division, gvura
As delineation becomes clearer
And becomes more painful
Realisation becomes more aware
My soul will never be all that
By seperating i can then arrive
Avraham says though we are all one.
Distance is less
Identity is less defined
Deeper yearning to lose identity and merge into the all
Impure level
Its not great enough
Greatness doesn't mean anything
Accept and live the truth
It's not going to be infinity
Millions of people are in adulation of this?
True yearning is for expansiveness
R'Yochanan said, when He is great He is with all.
Mincha is a stance of giving up to Gd.
It's all yours Gd
Reaching a pinnacle
Yzk knows how to maintain life, by owning the truth of perspective
Let go
Pathos of modernity to lose that part of ourselves
Product of Aesovian diminution which leads to depression
You know what Gd, we stink, lousy, finished - not the answer.
Saviour can pull you out, but...
'That's true'
You're right
Part of being here
To accept that
Afterwards there are modalities to bring back
Appreciate our limitations
Katz di bechayay
rivkah - i despise my life
Gd explains to her, there are 2 sides, you have both
How can i live in that level and bring life
Rivkah you hold both
Recognise its Yzk's world
Our spiritual inheritance
Pushing people into unitary dogma
Judaism is much richer than a single line attitude

This is his yearning
Leave the kelim
Reach infinity
Gd is in his essence
Binah side of identity
Kelim not hide Gd
Yzk leaves the kelim
for soul to yearn for Gd
Become subsumed within
He is the source of all
Not dressed in manifestation
Binah is contemplation
Inductive thoughts of whats inside
What is the source
Deductive expression
Different directions
Chochma is wisdom
Envisioning and seeing
See's what born
Looking at essential quality in the statis presence
From there its downward, see what it is
Binah intellectual function to get to root
Avraham is focussed on power of things as they are
Essence of Kol olamot
Seeing divine in what they are
Binding essence with appearance
Wisdom is water
Gd being drawn down like water
Yzk is yearning for source
Binah is focus & realisation of where did it come from
Not in any context of being knowable
No end to transcendence
Completely beyond
Response to that awareness (emotive)
Hitpa'alut, ecstatic response
Both endlessness of Gd and end of life
Beyond the light in the world
Fire is yearning to jump away from wick which is holding it in place
Reverting physical to its energy source
Fire has no substance
Denial of substance
Undermines nature of substance
Denies existence
Keeps matter as an entity extant
But matter is always here
Greek understanding of the atom
Chanukah ended with Einstein
Burning bush is on fire
String theory is looking at the beard of arich
Right - Binah gvura hod
Remain embodied
Pachad Yzk
Trembling and fear of Gd
Deep psychology
Body is destroyed
Shaking is scared of Gd?
Losing your body
Leads to churban beithamikdash
Scared to die
Primal fears
Truth is you never had it
You don't have anything
Deep truth about the nature of what we are
Trying to hold onto life? Leads to paranoia, afraid, etc
Body shudders
This is NOT the awareness of Yzk.
You are nothing
Your body is aflame and shuddering
If you freak out about it, you will despair
Resting in your body becomes inappropriate - a derision of Gd
Hodaya, submission to truth
Healing is in acceptance
What are you holding onto?
Main element of binah is coming from the worlds.
The Avot and Yzk who belongs in ahavat olam
This worldy existence
Yzk actually manifests in the world
The way Gd is in this world
Myriad of life forms
Plethora of life
How many species
Species of life goes on and on
This is the manifestation of the infinity of Gd, paradox
In Kabbalah, when you say you're done, a new life form appears
A new star appears
Our perception shifts to a new adaptation
Like the sand of the seashore
You can't keep praising all, it is beyond, accept that.
Meditate on that.

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