BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

RDK Tefilla Maharal, perek zayin, netiv ha'avoda

First reading of 3 brachot of Kr'Sh
1st bracha, First notice light - Yotzer Or
More than physical light
Also enlightenment of malachim
Awakening of consciousness
2nd bracha - al olam ha'ze
2 torahs, origins in zohar
Mishle describes how there was torah before world - kodem nifalav
& Torah of response to world
Access to divine, e.g. Mitzvot
Explains how it cultivates a relationship to Gd
A master to whom you're answering
Torah participates with world
Torah gives world priority
Guide to navigate
1st torah is origin of world
World is torah in flesh
creates circumstances of history
Non contingent will
2nd is contingent will
Reality which forces itself upon us, as history unfolds
Allows for technological breakthroughs as we become conscious and aware and lays the path for the next stage of thought
Learning is greater so you can learn how to act/perform/do.
Teach people and or lived truths.
Some things cannot be transferred by words, but only can be done - e.g. Leading by example.
T'chiat hametim is going back into the beam and then being transported again from the beam into the new body.
Everyone lives in a conceptual framework in their particular lifetime.
The next manifestation has a different framework which you cannot live within
Choni HaMeAgel slept for 70 years and when he woke up he struggled to fit the update of life that was now prevailing
The neshama can only be great when it has embodiment and selfhood
The learning(Talmud) can only be connected in the Ma'ase.
The learning moves me into doing and action
The learning must be expressed in the flesh
Words are part of the equation which cannot be realised without embodiment and ma'ase
Torah is lived
Moshe is also flesh, but he is a reflection of what is being learnt, and flesh it out!
Someone talking is not enough yet, it has to be done.
The writing on the luchot is necessary so people can interpret in their own way, for generations and forever.
The aron always needs the rods attached to it - so people can handle it and carry it.
New generations and your new involvment via different gilgulim is necessary
Torah sh'bctav is living still today in new dynamism and vitality with every generation
Forever unfolding
Precedent is stupidity and is constantly getting re-interpreted for new era's. New paradigms.
Halacha is the way we walk in the world, or are the laws forever walking and updating and changing
Im bechukotai telechu - you will see the laws in different ways in different eras
The laws will become engraved and you will toil in the law until the ma'ase is all the Torah enriching life.
Torah sh'bktav is a once in lifetime creation that cannot be altered, added or reduced - but it can be interpreted for the era

Beam of light of creation
Physicality of light
Light is most primordial element of physicality of creation
Recognise transitional vehicle of Torah
Leads to Shma Yisrael
Beyond the Torah is the Ani of Gd
Ani is the creation of Gd becoming manifest
Malchut is Ani
Ani is selfhood of Gd
Ani is before torah, it is the identity
Torah is the medium through which ani will be experienced and given to the world.
This is the light, the Torah.

Malchut of Ein Sof (identification)
Alefcha, katva
Za'er Anpin (response of Torah)
ZA is our vehicle to connect to Gd, the way for revelation to come about

Identity behind everything that will spell things out and make it a manifest of Gd
(megilla esther shows entrapment of amalek which makes the world full of rules and precedent that is unchanging)
Rules always serves something, which gets caught up in the game.
David Hamelech breaks the rules and forgets his self-importance with his humility
What makes Gd one is that there is nothing else. Everything is a reflection of Gd. The personhood of the ein sof.
You are the Torah being reflected via the flesh. Na'aseh v'nishma. (opposite of Bechukotai)

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