BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Monday, May 21, 2012

R'Aharon HaLevi - im bechukotai telechu

Enlivens the kli
Brings us up from the physical world
All the physical world's sphirot
Path of ahavat olam
Moshe brings ahava raba
Not by contemplation of physical
Not relationship between 2 bodies
It is just love
Not yearning
Ahava raba is love
Ahava raba is expansive love itself
No boundaries of love
Moshe's great gift is ahava raba
Reflects itself in access to Torah
It is the Torah of Ma - Shem ma
The expressed realisation
Im bechukotai teleichu
3 levels of full realisation
Chukotai, tishmeru, asitem
Torah has different dargas
1. Moshe brings down engraved in luchot
Words carved/engraved into stone
Torah of chochma ila'a - avot
2. Written torah is from midbar
Ink on parchment - 2 pieces
Seeking to bind wisdom with words
This is Torah of ze'er anpin
Bechukotai telechu is the movement of light
Mitzvotav tishmoru is the cold static means
The fire of the light of the luchot needed to explode/breakup in order to be expressed and disseminated
Hod is the fire in the moment of transition from potential to actual
Malachim are fully actualised always, they always stand
Malachim told Gd to hold still on Torah
Gd told Moshe to express how the Torah is useful only for humans
Will is only actualised when a challenge is presented to it
For Moshe to burst into fire is the sneh -for angels they are consumed.
Torah writing the world and its revelation.
Shavuot is the giving of the luchot

Essence of humanity is the ongoing transition from potential into actual, infinitely unfolding.

(Death is stasis)
Need to be ego-less, and not protecting your paradigms and personality.
Talmidei chachamim are always in a mode of chidush of Torah.
R'Akiva is an access to keter (atik & arich)
Keter is the pure light where potentiality is coming down to the letters.
Engraving of light
Tehiru is the keter
R'Akiva sees the ketarim
From ketarim is the hilchot olam
Moshe is flesh - beshegam hoo basar - the LETTERS
R'Akiva is fleshless, having his skin raked from him - the KETER
R'Akiva is shifting, pirte pratim, chidush

Shavuot is the burning fire
Not the same Torah as the rest of the year

Shavuot is for gerim
Beyond the boundaries
Through gerim comes the keter

Im (Em) bechukotai - ima ila'a
The carving in the tablets are to let the light through - tablets are the kli/machine/filter
The ink and parchment once came from living things.
The keterim on the letters are a representation of the fire of Gd coming into letters
Tikun leil shavuot is the breaking of the Jew to be ready for chidush of receiving a new level of Torah. (Can't happen to angels, because they can only stand in 1 place)
R'Akiva also died with the fire on his chest.
R'akiva was getting the fire raked into his basar.

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