BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Monday, May 7, 2012

RDK - Aharon HaLevi

Yaakov excited by physical reality, when he meets Rachel - ahavat olam, responsiveness
Movement inwards to intimacy
Accessible path
'Ban' = 52
Redundancy, replication - this is that
Appreciation of the child 'Ben' = child
The world is the child of Gd
Jews are first born of HKBH
Path of the fathers

Then introduced to Moshe
Ahava Raba
Not aroused by phycial presentation
Aroused by contact with essence
Kelim are not source of arousal
Love of one for another
Blissful stillness
Quiet of presence within divine
Deeply reflected in Moshe's stance in life in anava
Simple and boundless
Anachnu ma? We are what?
We are not a particular entity and phenomenon
We are absorbed in all
1 way is carrying content in words
Another way is seeing the words
Seeing the speaker
Jews touch this when they 'see' the words at Har Sinai
Ban is Bina is hearing and listening - not that way.
What is desire and intention behind those words
Words block the intention
Moshe lives in ahava raba
Moshe says this is not for me, the world of ma.

Aharon HaKohen is the escort of the queen
Moshe is the escort of the king
Moshe, brings king into avod of queen - divine to the world.
Moshe is netzach, right side
Aharon is the escort of the queen to the king - the world to its submersion in the divine
Aharon is Hod, left side

Aharon and Moshe are Ma - mahut nothing
Don't see sum of things
They're love is beyond understanding and wisdom
Derived from kelim, where the avot are
Supernal mother and father
Does not enter into ze'er anpin
z.a. is accessible format
za the driver to unfold and unpack
Za the contemplation is of avot and Gd
M&A are not bringing down vitality
Only seeing divine
Is no other in the divine
Delineation b'n body and vitality is not appropriate there
Perspective of man is built on consciousness of b'ground and perspective
Our brain 'subjectifies' everything
Israel is the forerunner of imaging
You never see what it is, only who it is
You can see patterns and give it identity
This is disappointingly NOT what is there
The translation of what is there
Electrical impulses are the real form
Moshe in ma sees what is
Ultimately you become anava
Ultimately access the inner, and leads to netzach, which is forever
Pale blue is the netzach, the forever
Naming is a function of 'ban' - subjectifying
Angels can't name items
Human brains give it pattern and appearance
Humans live a pattern out as identity
This is man's glory (not undoing)
Angels are pure force
Force which is potency which is unformed
Moshe is an ish elokim
Moshe is never named by his mother
Aharon was named 'nireh', an enabler of perception
Always seeing divine
Doesn't see space in between
Like an eddy in the flow
(as opposed to Korach who stood on his legs and was not part of the natural flow)
Gds appearance in yesh is no different to Gds appearance not in yesh
Moshe is Gds escort to house of queen
Queen is representative of people, the recipient
Moshe brings revelation of divine into nifalim - this world
Panim b'panim - inner to inner
Kelim don't have mahut, don't carry anything

All devarim in the world are Gd speaking to us
... Now we have to get that

Like a love letter. Its about the love and accessing her - not the letter
What stands behind all this
Coming into the world, not as other
Aharon is left, who turns upwards
Brings queen into kings chamber
Re-instates belovedness between 2 people
Reintegrate their relationship
It's not a lie
2 people don't want to be separate, really.
Zohar gives contradiction and says Moshe is supernal wisdom
... And also yesod aba
And bina is Moshe
And Moshe is bina
And Hod
But in truth they're all of a common intention
Moshe is abnegated before Gd, Ma.
Activity and contemplation in terms of seeing via bina ha'ila'a.
M Always looks upward towards his divine essence.
This is bina, but not bina of deriving Gd from the world
M sees Gds picture of the world, from Gds perspective
Revelation of chochma and bina reflect in Hod.
Moshe has hod, reflection of light glowing from him
M passes light, hod, onto Yehoshua
Malachim admit to the power of man when they see Moshe
Empowerment of hod, and moshe's ability to give it over
Hod above shamaim is ze'er anpin

Extent of anpin is into Hod
ZA is standing, man. Above is ima. Netzach extends downwards into midot
Where mind meets matter
Bina spreads down
3 legs extending down, segments,
Top is chochma, middle is chesed, lower is netzach
Side of hod, top is bina, middle gvura, hod - this is ima
Avot are in zeer anpin
Moshe is ima which is in hod
His face is glowing

If chochma and bina remained in their essence they would not come down at all
Experience acceptance
Knowing there is nothing but Gd
Your brain is structured so everything is translated into image
Moshe is the only non imaging prophet
You can only be modeh to it.
Hod is the source of prophecy
Experience of flow
Moshe brings that down
Experiencing hod is appreciating its influence and acquiescing to what it is
Hod is the end of Bina
Becoming inquisitive makes Bina disappear, you just need to nullify and accept

Yesod is the connection of Ima to the ein sof
Awareness of ein sof, there is no emotion to accompany that
Hod goes down to bina to accept there is nother than He
Chochma of Yesod of aba can connect downwards and connect with love, informed by the bitul submersion
Bina, looking towards, and aware of, stands in your way of emotional reality

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