BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Monday, May 14, 2012

RDK - Aharon HaLevi

New bechina, sha'ar slishi
Moshe Rabeinu
Ahava Raba
Shem Ban, Shem Ma
Aspect of Ima and Aba i'la'i
Power of M's shushavina d'malcha

All forms of spiritual expression find a place with Moshe R.
M has a special place with Bina.
Ima on left side, is into hod of ze'er anpin - expression of emotive, bringing things into realisation
Ima gives over conviction - something has to come from this
Her son is the modality through which her NEHI become expressed - netzach, ?, hod
Though yesod ima is short, (yesod aba extends downwards) does not extend into midot of Ze'er Anpin
Hod of ZA is impacted by Ima
Brings an acquiescence to Gd's infinity
To be modeh
Influx from above is modeh
Cause others to be modeh by being fully revealed and powerfully expressive
To be modeh to our talents, then that becomes powerful to others so that it spreads
People won't experience you fully because you haven't fully expressed yourself and admitted fully to your midot
Leads to obsequiousness
Tries to get someone to be modeh to him before he's even reached his own hod fulfillment
Hod is crucial to understand ourselves
When Bina extends downwards, the impact of the ein sof, it goes beyond and open to the infinity
The personal impact is to be modeh in the ze'er anpin
Binah does not take over and define midot, she only helps with being modeh
Aba's yesod is long, not in the intellection and differentiation
Aba dwells in ein sof
In expansive bitul, and perfectly present
Midot can be completely transformed, not intellectual.
Wisdom not thinking
Aba extends down through centre line of all midot into ZA
Ima extends down left into Hod
Ima is not prime identity
Aba spreads out into Hod and yesod, but not essential to it, except for expanding midot
Centre gets transformed into bitul
Aba produces a bliss which expands your midot because the ein sof is being integrated

Wise man is beyond abilities and comprehension, apprehension
Not really aligning himself, but listening and chupping it
Chacham echoes the teachings and has learned
He can't be creative, he just gets it
Modeh le chochma
Primary stance is not to align with the wisdom, but to be modeh and his students learn from that
But if student is bitul to chacham, then he becomes transformed by this relationship and understanding of the chacham.
Binah can only hold conceptualisation
They don't get it, and nothing for them to do in the contemplation.
This is binah i'la'a
Avot is in love with Hashem, ahavat olam - Gd is enlivening their kli.
But the kli and midot are separate
Ahava raba is expansive though and is beyond kelim
But contemplation needs to love
Bina i'la'a is infinte in which there is no other
Midah means measurable and finite.
Hod-hoda'a is a surrender, a stance
Contemplation is the disembodied aspect
My mindfulness and awareness of ein sof can be awakened
They're all then batel
Do they disappear to the ein sof? No, that's binah talking. Participant of consciousness.
Chochma is simply to see it. Impact from midot being enamoured/integrated - present to it. In solution with it. Dissolved.
Bina looks for solution
Chochma is the dissolution
Lacks distinction
Spiritual awakening
Value of both possibilites
Intellect ends, and chochma is involvement in presence without thinking.
Power of this is that midot are still there, but enhanced by bitul of chochma.

The makot of mitzrayim are a teaching - a transformation of consciousness.
It was a shift so we could go into desert and live with Mun and Clouds, etc.

Impact of hitbodedut in ahavat olam
Nothing to do but let go of self-hood
A new human being walking around
Different level of humanity, a new league - you can only be modeh of these people.
Seek to be modeh of your own path
Live in the presence of Moshe
Could only see his backside, not his face, needs a mask
Moshe's face changed when he asked to see Gd's face
The only gilui of Gd's malchut is in the hod of 'atik'.
People will just look in complete surrender and awe - hod she'be'atik
Binah knows it's beyond me.
Atik is misgaleh to binah
Ne'etak means separated from. This is how binah sees Gd.
Chochma has no transcendence to see this.
Beyond kelim.
M is using hitbonnenut, perfection of bina i'la'a.
M also exists in Aba, the midot is yesod aba.
M is in the attachment of Aba, and this is the source of his true anava to Gd.

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