BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tefilla - RDK

3 primary meditations
Ve ani berov chasdecha
2 types of love
Ahavat olam
Yehud of kudsha shchinte
Cosmic reflection
Whats in each of
Manifest reality and expression
Primary essence
Unity b/w more essential reality
Yichud is the undertaking in life
One self, one being, one reality
Prayer is expression of presence and essence
Yichud is the focus
Avraham Yitzchak and Yaakov covered
Then explication of 3 tefilot and their relationship to avot

Tefillot are aligned with avot or korbanot
2 aspects of tefillot
One attachment to source
Another to readiness to give all up
2 modalities
Everything Gd takes me thru is a temporary sojourn
End of ultimate truth
Avot are first 3 brachot of shevach
Giving over to him
Standing here
Modality of expression
Rich variation of touching each tefilla
Tofel is to connect
Tafil is taking strands and intertwining
Yechud HaIla - alignment vessels
Yechuf HaTata - speaks thru it
Perfect oneness
Avot are the merkava - yechud haIla
David Hamelech - yechud hatata (children)
Yaakov responds baruch shem kevod to children
Reality is the divine expression
Essential personality should reflect our characteristics-talents
Integrate with surroundings
We are not separate from our environment
KiTisa is about the yichud and malchut of tiferet
Beauty and divine expression of the malchut-mishkan
The reality of my personhood made by virtue of relationship
Aharon loves you, and you sense love
But the relationship is 2 separate individuals.
Reality of personhood as we mature and go through stages.
Differentiation is just a stage
One entity is there. I am you. You are me.
Couples look like each other.
Darga of tomati -
Anochi is a different sense of reality
Keter includes us by unification
Identity and reality are not separate
This is what was supposed to happen in KiTisa.
But they became self involved, thru avoda zara.
Intellectual contemplation and wholeness of Gd
Gd's coming to be known
Sharing becomes Yira
Noda is knowing, awareness
Shoshanat Yakov, a flower thats unfolding and blooming
Gd's presence should become known through manifest and 'reality'
Moshe's expresses a lack of bringing shechinah to malchut when he hits rock.
Esther also does not want to enter King's chamber.
But then she enters and the verse only talks about Melech, not Achashverosh.
Esther becomes Shchinte
Moshe is Kudsha Brichu
In the essence there is no change
Essence is no differentiation
Equal presence
Letters are particular parts of expression
But letters unify into one name - one essence
Hay Vav Hey are main letters
Yud is always happening
The present is always new
The present is always being made now
Time not being experienced
Continuation of something that came before
Truth is reality of worlds we live in are not coming from a process
It just is
Yud is the perfect presence
Ye Ha Ve would make it wrong because Gd is only in the present. The yud changes grammar to future.
Ha Ve is meeting Gd now.
All of reality did not exist before because to say that would mean pre-existence
The ayin is the possibility of thinking a particular thought
The ayin is the source
Everything is coming out of that
The truth is that the ayin of the source of thought, not the thought itself
Yesh is not what we know now
In the next moment it is not there
Yesh is not something material that is not here from one moment to the next
Every moment is completely new
Reality is completely new
Awareness when it looks at the thought, and questions it, it is wrong.
Awareness needs to accept the new
The only way to touch Yesh is with love
Lehanchil ohavey yesh - we need to experience, e.g. Love, motherhood, etc
Moshe hitting the rock is a reflection of derision of reality
There needs to be acceptance of reality at that moment.
Ein Sof is not potentiality

Ultimate reality is the complete Yesh.

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