BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Rav Aharon HaLevi

World of truth
Love and truth come together
Truth is not attached for gain and benefit
Thats what it is
Truth may not lead to love
You can attach to something you see as true
Attachment of love can come from seeing something as true
True love is something seen as absolutely true
Love is a dedication
Entirety of being
Sense of beloved
Depth of connection cannot be observed from outside
Almost impossible to see something as being true and not being connected
Truth resonates my own essence
Part of our psyche
Olam chesed is the beginning of the root to truth
Rambam at beg'g and end of sefer hamada - begins with truth and ends with
All beings have a desire to return
That is love
Love comes from authenticity and truth
Like Rav and Talmid
Relationships are built on truth
Yaakov as an ish emet is the first great lover, most romantic
Elemental relationship, truth and love
Love truth and truthfully love
Western idea is that love and truth are disconnected. One is emotional and one is intellectual.
However, the da'at is that they are both deeply related.

Gd does not award existence and then depart.
Gd creates reality and becomes continuously manifested.
World was not there before
Reality is a creation of the divine
Creating worlds are not a separate entity of Gd
Yaakov is left levado - alone. Like Gd at the end of time.
Lavud means attached, fused
Delineation of images of people are a concept that is unreal
But that is our existence
That is our struggle to cope in this world with all the delineation
Love depends on delineation
Love is not unity
Love is yearning to be together
For 2 products of Hashem and Hashem to become close
Love is bina
Kudsha Brichu Shchinte - Gd is the power that holds together and is the existence of all delineates objects
Shchinte is His spreading out into the world
To give life and entity
To give hierarchical levels
Shchinte is Elohim and Adonai (adon is socket)
Din is the giving of appropriation and allocation to the earned object
Elohim is the distinction and oneness
Elohim aherim is giving separateness and removing relationship from the divine, the ultimate distortion
Derived out of loneliness
Everything becomes estranged
No access to emet
Prophets say it is lies and false
People end up bowing down to their own fear
Comes from losing relation to the infinite
Knowing Gd and his greatness comes from knowing it yourself.
A revelation of atzeilut
Sitra achara is an alternative reality
Commitment to rebellion
Amalek is this image and committed to its own self destruction
Amalek shows that its possible to attack the real reality and show everyone that you can attack Gd's will and presence
Leads to chaos, entropy and the world of lies.
There is only Me. The malchut
Gd even is on the sitra achra
Keeping it all alive
The plagues in mitzrayim are about Pharoah's discovery of the truth of Gd
Kant says that conscience is a discovery of Gd
Once conscience is discovered, then it becomes impossible to repress another
Recognise that Gd is the indwelling Gd
The Master of all
Once discovered, then you become dedicated.
We all have a passion for truth.
This is back at Avraham who was the first to recognise Gd as Adon(-ai).

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