BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Chasidut - RDK - R'Aharon HaLevi

Gd is the great healer
Holds together 2 opposites
Power that binds all parts of our body in 1 unification
The fulcrum of creation
Beit hamikdash
Malchut is the line down the centre
Holds the 2 sides together
Manifestation and creation
Chazi hamalkut went down between the 2 kruvim
Went down into the creation point in the rock
Empowerment that holds together achar and echad
This is Yaakov, can experience the divine through individuation and unification
Rests his head on the stone and dreams of the unification
Rests on the access point and axis point
He rests at Luz, the bone in the body (base point of the spine), from where tchiat hametim will come from
Sacrifices himself for multiplicity
Holds his children all together - oneness
Avraham and Yitschak were only able to 'hold' one son - different oneness
Realisation of the tifferet, the mikdash becomes invested with personality - Aharon
He is the great lover of all creatures
Power is introduced with the Menorah
If You created light, why do we need to give you light?
Because you love the work of your creations
The mikdash is a place of love
Achashverosh dresses in Aharon's clothes and degrades love
Haman wants to destroy creation
Kilalat Elohim Talui - hang His image
Don't leave a body hanging overnight

Response of Norah
When Yaakov wakes up from the dream
First time the word appears
Leaping flames from Yaakov
Fluidity of creation
Distance and separation
Fire from water (baytzah)
Chesed is the endearment of existence
Chesed is the embodiment of gvurah
Chesed and existence requires personal reality and longing to reunite
Yaakov is the disparate elements
But it is one will that all is suffused within
One integrating power
Reuta DeLiba is Yaakov
There is a movement,tendency,trajectory to it
This is how Avraham understads Gd
'Someone' is spinning this rock/galgal
Will in its all inclusive state is Yaakov
Yaakov being the centre, he was able to touch wellsprings that brought him back to atzeilut and extends his life
There is a root that can be accessed and re-awakened
In Will are all the midot, the particular expressions, and some remain dormant or latent
The shoresh always gives you access
You will re-enliven
Yitschak is the longing for connection
In a primary identity, it is still never exclusive.
There is always something to share
All of creation has a holographic illusion to it
Unite him via the world - Avrahams power
To know the unitary point of oneness
Longing desire like a fire leaping
Bow myself down and seek the loss
Give it all up just to be in the source
If you saw things as they are - objectify - you will never have longing
If you see the power of expressions, then you desire to enter and bow before the King
He'll never look behind the curtain
Yitschak is born from that
Yitschak is the imminence
Yaakov is the ascendance
Yaakov's bitul comes from touching the divine essence
Yaakov knows that
He knows that Gd is infinite
Now its all the same
The king is here is as he is there
Even in this pile of rocks is the essence of Gd
The Will is in all things
Reuta DeLiba

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