BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Esh Kodesh - Piasetzner's Torah from Warsaw Ghetto - Parsha Mishpatim

Something new
Beyond reason
Something real

Laws placed before them
Broken houses (Gemara Berachot)
Daven in a ruin
Eliyahu was at the doorway
Daven on road
Daven short amida
Voices of hurva
Heavenly voices
Cooing like a dove
Woe that my home is destroyed
My children are exiled
That voice is heard 3x a day
Gd bows his head during kaddish
'keve yachol' - so to speak...
Woe to children exiled
Woe to father who exiles his children
Jewish soul tortured
Thinks only he is tortured
All the pain is not of interest above
Heaven doesn't care
All the pain - gd is in pain
When the shechinah is in pain, Gd's limbs are hurting
More than a person feels pain
Gd himself, so to speak, feels the pain

Does the Piasetzner see Gd's pain?

Not perceived in the world that Gd is not in pain
If Gd is infinite, then he is in infinite pain
Imagine Gd's pain
Do we even hear the echo of the voice of Gd'w infinite pain
It is beyond our human limitation
How could R'Yosi have heard Gd's voice and here in the Warsaw ghetto we can't hear it?
Hurva of J'lem, your identity is nullified
R'Yose's limitations were nullified in J'lem
Part of R'Yose was destroyed
That's when R'Y heard Gd's voice, an echo
Heard from far away, faint

This is the explanation for the world existing, if we don't hear His pain.
Gd's pain is not entering the world, and this is why the world exists
Angel told Gd that he wanted to cry instead of Gd, during the destruction of Temple
Gd said that He wants to, and not to stop Him
Angel says that it's not prayer
Piasetzner says that this is not protocol
Gd goes to a different place to cry
It's not good for servants to see the King crying
The King's pain boundless! That's why it can't come into the world.
The angel wanted to cry so the pain would go into the world
Angel is Gd's extended will/messenger
Emissaries of Gd
The angel wanted to cry the cry of the 'so to speak' - the 'so to speak' is that which can't come into the world.
Otherwise the world would have heard the cry
Gd had mercy on Egyptians
Now the Jews are drowning in blood.
Can the world continue to exist?
Angel: i'll cry, and You wont have to, so then there will be nothing left to cry over

... It wasn't yet the time for the revelation.

The pain is great
It's too huge for world to contain
It is transcendent
He lifts his pain higher than the angel
Even the angels can't see it

That place is the inner chamber
Understanding beyond cognition
Bina exists for us to wonder
Not for that which needs to be known
It is higher
His pain is hidden from us and malach

My thoughts:
People visit a makom (omnipresent) many years after the dust has settled 'so to speak'. Like R'Yosi visit the hurva of the Beit Hamikdash. This is when you feel and hear the souls. This is when you hear the latent echoes of Gd. When the injustice is being done - during the destruction and the death - the voice is still in its chamber. The cry is in its chamber. The cry of when you open your mouth and nothing comes out. You are in such pain. When we go to the Har HaBayit, when we go to Warsaw, to Auschwitz, to Dachau and all the places where the cry was of such pain that it was not heard, now, today, we hear the moaning and the cooing and the keveyochel, the 'so to speak' - beyond this world.

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