BIO (2024)

BIO: Pesach Steinberg is a community Rabbi in Melbourne Australia and is married with five daughters and two sons-in-law. He is involved in the kashrut industry, is a prison chaplain, author & publisher, sits on industry boards for ethics in human research, has worked in Synagogue administration and has been the Rabbi of a Synagogue. He graduated from Mount Scopus College and Monash University and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg zt’l. Pesach is also the Australian Ambassador for Sar-El Israel, which places volunteers on IDF bases throughout Israel. (as at 1/1/24)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

netiv hatshuvah (Maharal) ch.2

construct of life
attributes that people live by
essence of tshuvah
tshuvah is not a result of creation
it is in the origin of creation
a self-corrective system for failures that might arise
tshuvah moves creation into being
linear world with a vector? No
a circular world
a line through it goes from one side to another – but it joins back to the origin
when Gd reveals himself to Moshe at sneh
bizarre conversation
'what is your name?' – out of place
Gd answers in non-commital way
"Eheya asher eheye"
'eheya' means 'tshuva' (= bina) from kabbala
1st blessing is chochma (wisdom)
2nd blessing is sphere of bina
There is a power I am embedding
Power of the divine is eheye
Eheye = I will be (become)
'what is the power that will take us out of here'
The power they need to align to, in order to liberate, for humans
(even though he never tells it to the Jews)
Eheye is the only name in the 1st person
Impossible for somebody else to say
Therefore the only way to say it and mean it, is by living it.
Tshuvah kadma la'olam
Means the sphira of bina – the end of intellection
Means the driving force of the birthing of human personality (the divine personality) – is eheye – the evolutionary process…
You can't move forward without recognising I am what I am
That is empowerment (or despair without recognition)
Anything to liberate you is to appreciate what you are first
Let them see that (eheye) – you can step beyond
It is a contradiction (existential truths are always in the contradiction)
Contradiction because you can move forward by first recognising what and where you are
The sneh is a contradiction, because it is simultaneously burning
Burning is the binah
Aspiring identity

Page 33

Man is the conduit
Man is the guide
Internal shift (e.g. pray for the earth)
Tshuvah brings planet forward
Tshuvah acts on the entire planet
When I become purified (I am what I am)
And re-assert and re-attach to Gd from there
Announce that I'm moving forward to greater fulfilment
Everything moves that way when I do
Re-attaching to the pure beginning
That is the appreciation and condition of health
Everything is healthy in the beginning
"just turn towards me" (that's all I ask)
Now the doctor has to heal you
Returning to elemental reality
Return to eheye
He goes to Gd with a broken heart (vessel) and asks for healing
The yira must have process
Ahava comes from within
Yira is a response to an issue on the outside

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